I have dreamed about this moment.
Each time I heard the snap of my clippers words of this log flowed through me. Tonight I sit and chronicle my date with destiny.
The day I met The Beast.
My orders would prove to be simple. "She does not need a haircut. She is to be exterminated." My task not so.
She stood twice my height. Her width was that of large shed. She motioned for me. Begged me, dared me to take her on. I stood in my crisp new armor of tight twill sweating from the abnormal heat and high humidity. I was armed with a machete I would hardly use and a set of clippers that would end her.
The Beast's outer core was lush green. Her thick branches draped over like curtains. Curtains awaiting me. Waiting to taste my blood, the blood she has yet to have.
I only knew to start at the beginning. The end no where close to my mind. I clipped away and pieces of her fell. She would not go lightly. I pulled the freshly clipped pieces from her interwoven core. The Beast fought me back. Nearly I went into the pond twice. I exited her dismantle only a few times. I never let her hear even a whisper of my exhaustion; my concern of pain.
Once I broke in, her deep core smelled of a damp morning at summer camp. Cool, wet; hidden from the rest of the world. I swore to myself with every motion that I would be her end. That my task would be to free the area of her control.
I slipped several times at the cliff edge that she had aligned herself with for so many years. She awaited my mistakes however small they might be. I gave her few to enjoy. The Beast tricked me into believing my steps were sure and steady. It was as though her roots had summoned the rocked into believing my missteps would be to their benefit. I did not allow her the slight satisfaction of hearing me cry out when I nearly fell into her core. She deserved little.
She has yet to taste my blood in victory. There are many battles yet to go, but this war will be mine. I will conquer The Beast!
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