Except that we plan to have it weave between boxed gardens of veggies and flowers. To achieve the look, we needed rocks and quite a few of them seeing the our yard is rather large and we plan to have huge garden area down both sides.
I am a frugal husband, which means that I can't pass up good deals over convenience. So, when Ben, who's property I manage currently, told me that he was planning on paying me to move a large stack of wonderfully useful rocks into the woods, I decided free rocks + future path = score!
I didn't realize that the rock pile was nearly as large as it was. The pile was apparently just thrown into fairly concise pile. The rock had been taken out of cabin, so it was covered in floor sealant. This meant that to have pretty rocks for the future path I needed to move the rocks from the pile to the metal, power wash each one, move them to the truck and once we had a load full drive the truck an hour North to our house, unload them and stack them nicely behind our garage.
Tired does not begin to explain how I feel right now. My back is sore and I even lifted with my legs.
I wish I had taken photos of the load in the truck because the stacked photos make it seem like there weren't that many. I loaded at least five wheelbarrows full though.
I am looking forward to creating the path and enjoying the garden after all is done.
However, I am not looking forward to moving these rock again!
The total pile with the handy (read lifesaver) wheelbarrow.
Up-close and personal with the stack.
I didn't want you to think I was kidding about the weight. This is one rock. One heavy rock.
You do rock as a husband! I think I'll keep you <3